Autoimmune Diseases – Causes & Treatment

Autoimmune Diseases occur when our own body attacks itself and destroys its own cells, tissues and organs.

Today it is estimated that:

– There are over 100 different Autoimmune Diseases, while new ones are constantly being added in this long list

– 1 in 5 people in western countries suffers from at least one Autoimmune Disease.

Many factors contribute to the biochemical alteration of the cell, which are not only related to our genetic predisposition, but mainly to factors such as poor diet, toxins to which we are exposed daily, radiation, stress and more.

We used to think that our immune system would suddenly start attacking itself, for unknown reasons.

But now, a clearer explanation has been given for this phenomenon.

When the cellular homeostasis is altered by exogenous factors, a change in its structure may occur.

The causes of Autoimmune Diseases are therefore located deep inside the cell. The normal function, the homeostasis of the cell is deregulated and then our body attacks itself.

As a result, the human body activates its defense mechanisms and in this manner, the Autoimmune Diseases are expressed.

How can an Autoimmune Disease be treated?

The approach usually followed intends to treat the symptoms, or to temporarily pause the expression of the Disease, which, however, soon reappears.

On the contrary, the causal approach to the treatment of Autoimmune Diseases seems to function better, as it targets the source of the problem, that is, the causes that cause it.

Nowadays we can identify the factors that alter our cells biochemically through specialized diagnostic tests. The therapeutic process includes the administration of the appropriate micronutrients  that the cells require in order to heal themselves.

As the cellular balance is gradually restored, Autoimmune Disease cease to manifest.

These treatments, called “Causal” or “Functional” therapies,  contribute to the proper function of cells and tissues, and are the only ones that, statistically, cannot only stop, but also reverse the expression of most of the Autoimmune Diseases.

Dr. Nikoleta Koini, M.D.

Doctor of Functional, Preventive, Anti-ageing and Restorative Medicine.
Diplomate and Board Certified in Anti-aging, Preventive, Functional and Regenerative Medicine from A4M (American Academy in Antiaging Medicine).

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