Why am I always so tired?

Have you noticed that the physical fatigue you are feeling persists, without receding after sleep and rest? Do you feel unexplained pain in your muscles and joints without suffering from a rheumatic disease?

Do you often experience headaches, severe physical exhaustion, tremors and myalgias? Do you have difficulty in concentrating and completing your usual activities? Do you have problems with memory and sleep, as well as cold symptoms (e.g. low fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat)?


A simple question that’s hard to answer. Why do I feel tired?

The human body needs huge amounts of energy on a daily basis in order to carry out its activities adequately. With the ingredients from the food we eat and the oxygen in the air, our cells are able to produce the necessary energy, in order for our body to function. These biochemical reactions that occur at a cellular level result in the production of carbon dioxide, which is released into the atmosphere.

The coexistence of four or more of the following symptoms, for a period of at least six consecutive months, are considered to be the result of disruption of our body’s energy production process.

Possible symptoms are:

  • Impaired memory or impaired ability to concentrate
  • sore throat
  • Lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes)
  • Myalgia
  • Polyarthralgia (pain of all joints) without swelling or redness
  • Headache
  • Sleep disorders – morning fatigue
  • Fatigue, which lasts more than 24 hours, after intense exercise

* CDC- US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Many scientific teams around the globe have examined and analyzed  the daily life of people suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in order to identify common characteristics and patterns. The pathological conditions that can coexist in the patient’s body, but also other parameters that occur in his body when he suffers from this syndrome are listed below:

  1. Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome had higher levels of both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory levels of cytokines, which are activated in inflammatory conditions.
  2. Some experts believe that chronic fatigue syndrome is caused by a combination of factors, such as an overactive immune system and hormonal disorders.
  3. Studies also show that the majority of people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can gradually regain their physical balance over time. However, the rate and speed of recovery depend to a large extent on the quality of the therapeutic procedure followed.
  4. According to a study conducted in the United Kingdom, insufficient rest of the body during sleep has been found to be associated with chronic fatigue and chronic pain.
  5. Patients suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome have different levels of certain cytokines in comparison to healthy individuals, while 17 cytokines’ levels are associated with disease severity. Cytokines stimulate the movement of the body’s defense cells to areas of inflammation, infection and trauma and in addition they have a central immune-regulatory role.
  6. It is important for all people suffering from chronic fatigue to take measures to strengthen and properly regulate the immune system with proper nutrition and abstinence from smoking.
  7. Exposure to bright light in the morning modifies the stages of sleep. As a result the functionality of the muscular system, is optimized during the day and its sensitivity to painful stimuli is reduced.

How to Avoid Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Move your desk near the window
  • Walk in the sun in the morning
  • Choose east-facing offices and workplaces
  • Avoid exposure to bright light and electronic devices late in the afternoon and evening

Exhaustion is one of the most common phenomena of our time and the exact causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) – as experts call it – are not known. However, CFS is a relatively common disease, as it is estimated to occur in about 0.8% of the population, with half of the patients, in fact, needing treatment from specialized centers. It should be noted that the percentages increase a lot if we refer to fatigue that is associated with Chronic Diseases.

Dr. Nikoleta Koini, M.D.

Doctor of Functional, Preventive, Anti-ageing and Restorative Medicine.
Diplomate and Board Certified in Anti-aging, Preventive, Functional and Regenerative Medicine from A4M (American Academy in Antiaging Medicine).

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